Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you freaking kidding me?!?!

I'm sitting at a cafe in Studio City waiting for my lunch meeting (my interview this morning went well, of course, but the position isn't promising for my schedule), and you will not believe what just came across on one of the online booking websites:

Thursday, Apr. 17, 2008, 9:35 AM Pacific
OHIO LOTTERY (Submit only local Ohio Actors Please)
Cable Use and Non-Broadcast Use. Spot will most likely run through max use cycle.

Casting Director: Bill Marinella
Interviews: Last week of April
Shoots: May 5th or 6th
Rate: Scale Plus 10

Real life feel for this Ohio Lottery Spot. Do not submit if not willing to work as a local hire.

YOU MUST STATE THAT YOU ARE FROM OHIO_ ITS THE OHIO LOTTERY MUST BE WILLING TO DO SPOT FROM OHIO AS A LOCAL>>>LOCAL HIRE ONLY _ DO NOT SUBMIT OTHERWISE!!! very serious, as my producers and my new client do not want any un-needed expenses, great for an actor from Ohio , who lives and works in New York Los Angeles etc,, but is willing to 'come home'

How would winning the lottery impact your life as a teacher? how would you help others? your students? how would you help those in need...

Real life teachers, SAG or Non-SAG. These are people who believe in what they do. They care about making an impact in a child's life. They're dignified, but aren't overly serious or foreboding. The key, again, is believability. So that means the reads shouldn't be too slick or polished. Also avoid over-the top-syrupy reads. And if they look too much like models, we know they're not teachers. Again, have each actor read all four lines, as the genders are wide open. All ethnicities are welcomed.

IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING FROM CA, am not interested in seeing your submission if you are not originally FROM OHIO I have plenty of actors, there is a reason we are asking for this specific breakdown.. You must indicate that you are from Ohio in the notes section and whether you are submitting for the role of Art Teacher, Music Teacher, Guidance Counselor or General Teacher and also that you have arrangements to work and stay there.

Unbelievalbe! I'm an acting instructor, I don't know if that would count, but it's just funny that I move out here then find work back home!


Anonymous said...

So...are you at all interested?

Anonymous said...

No, not really for a few reasons...

I highly doubt "scale" would cover a plane ticket. It would be nice if I'd planned to come home then anyway, but my boyfriend is actually coming to CA for a work thing the next day...

Also, I've taught theatre and speak at high schools, but it sounds like they're looking for legitimate classroom teachers.

I can think of a few people who might be reading this that might be great for it! All I know is what I posted, but interested parties could look up the director or contact the lottery offices!

~ Buckeye on a Palm Tree

Anonymous said...


My roommate auditioned for this role! Like me she has experience as a theatre/music teacher, but is not a "real" teacher who works in an academic school or has an ed degree...

I'll let you know if she gets the gig!

~ Buckeye...