Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The hits just keep coming - My car died today!

... In the middle of a busy road, causing me to miss an audition for another musical and my acting class, where I would've done prepared scenes in front of two casting directors. The cause: my alternator.

I bought a tube of cookie dough after getting canned yesterday and finished it tonight! By that I mean eating it raw - so much for being Hollywood-thin!

Details later.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh a little when I read this blog, but sometimes I think you and Jaycie are twins separated at birth. So many of your experiences are like dejevu of when she first went out to Hollywood. Her car had to be replaced the week before she left. That was $11,000 she hadn't planned on spending. Chocolate chip or sugar cookie? Jaycie does sugar cookie and if she is really upset a tube would not last her two days. Like I said before-hang in there it will get better.

Anonymous said...


The cookie dough was a bad habit from college that I haven't done in a really long time... I just tell myself it's more responsible and cheaper than other substance abuse!

And -yes- I like the sugar cookie dough too! I'm not a huge chocolate fan; while I like the flavor and consistency of that dough, there are just too damn many chocolate chips that get in the way! :)


Anonymous said...

LOL about the cookie dough! Be careful though because you don't know if the eggs in it are good. I will consume raw eggs in eggnog but I have to make it and know the eggs are good. ( I buy fresh organic eggs from a local farm) Now, if you make some up yourself, that would be safer. ;)
Also, about the car, you may want to get ahold of that contact I gave you about a reputable mechanic, or maybe he would change it for you.